Why Rancher Marketing?
Because determination, flexibility, and common sense matter. And because you need someone with a variety of skills, lots of patience, and the ability to see the long term big picture. Those skills are critical to ranching in semi-arid eastern Montana. And those same skills are just as useful in digital marketing.
Don’t risk looking back on your marketing to see anything but your very best.

About Rancher Marketing and Kristin Aus
Kristin Aus is a native of eastern Montana and has lived most of her life on her family’s small ranch where she raises exceptional Quarter Horse and Paint barrel and rope horse prospects and nutritious, lean, all natural beef. She enjoyed a couple of decades off the ranch getting degrees in Accounting and later Agriculture, then working as a CPA and a community college instructor. During those years, she learned the value of software as a productivity tool and that her passion is helping people benefit from those productivity gains.
Now, Kristin primarily helps people market their small business products and services by building websites and helping the owners grow their businesses online after the new site is launched. Now and then, she helps out with other software – Excel, Quickbooks, Google Docs, and Photoshop are among her favorites.
In addition to building websites for small businesses and not for profits, Kristin builds ecommerce and other extended functionality sites. If your business needs a digital marketing partner for the long term, please fill out the form below to learn more.
If you happen to be a ranch or horse breeder, check out DigitalHorseMarketing.com for her specialized equine business website building services.

Ranching in eastern Montana and building websites are both challenging and demanding but in different ways. I enjoy the variety and appreciate how each requires similar skills.
Kristin Aus, 7 Mile Advantage, LLC

Let us help.
photo credit: Bridget Litwiller